For tips on how to teach with Marugoto, please see this page.
How to purchase Marugoto
Q1. Where can I buy Marugoto?
A. In Japan Marugoto books are published by Sanshusha, you can buy Marugoto from online shops and book shops throughout Japan. E-books are available at and the Google Play books store.
Regarding buying Marugoto overseas, please check the shops that stock Marugoto overseas page on Sanshusha’s website.
In some countries, you can buy Marugoto from local publishers. For more information, please check the Overseas Edition page. Please contact the local publisher if you wish to purchase the local edition.
Q2. Is there an audio CD?
A. If you wish to have the audio recordings on a CD, you can request one via the publisher’s website.
Q3.Is there an electronic library edition or an electronic textbook edition?
Marugoto e-books are available at libraries with these electronic library services below.
・Maruzen eBook Library
・KinoDen Kinokuniya Digital Library
The e-textbook editions of Marugoto are available at the services listed below.
・Maruzen eTextService
Q4. I can't buy an electronic version of "Marugoto" at my local Amazon site. Where can I buy it?
You can buy it at if you live in the countries listed below.
Australia, Brazil, India, Mexico, New Zealand, and South Korea.
Also, if you live in South Korea, you can buy it at Google Play, too.
Q5.Where can I buy an electronic version of "Marugoto"? I live in one of the countries listed below.
Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE
You can buy it at Google Play.
Q6.Is there any country/area that neither Amazon nor Google sells electronic version of "Marugoto"?
They don't sell it in Algeria, Iraq, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia, or Yemen.
Q7.Are the ISBN numbers for the "Marugoto" series different in Germany?
The "Marugoto" series sold by Helmut Buske Verlag GmbH in Germany have different ISBNs. Please visit their website for more information.
About the website
Q10. I cannot register.
A. The password needs to be the combination of letters and numbers, and at least 8 characters long.
The e-mail confirming your registration will be sent from . Check your e-mail settings and your spam folder, and if the e-mail has not arrived, please contact us using the General Inquiry form.
When you contact us, please include the following information:
- registered e-mail address
- type of device
- operating system and version
- browser and version
Q11. I have forgotten my password.
A. Please follow the steps on the forgot my password page.
Q12. Can I change my password?
A. Yes, you can. Set a password of your choice on the change my password page (passwords need to be at least 8 characters long and written in half-width alphanumeric characters).
Q13. How can I change the email address on my account?
A. You cannot change it. Please create a new account with your new email address. Also, please let us know your old email address through the General Inquiry form, and we will delete your old account.
Q14. After I registered as a user, I received an email to complete my registration and accessed the URL provided. Then the message "No data found" was displayed.
A. If you are a newly registered user, please try to log in from the Login page.
If you are unable to log in, please contact us from the General Inquiry form.
Q15. Can I delete my user account?
A. If you would like to delete your user account, please log in from the login page and go to "Delete my account" under the side menu.

Q16. I cannot download the materials.
A. After checking the type of device and the version of the operating system and browser you are using, please contact us using the General Inquiry form.
Q17. Why is user registration necessary?
A. User registration is required to play and to download audio files in terms of copyright protection. You can download any materials other than audio files without user registration.
Q18. Can I access the website from my tablet or smartphone?
A. Yes. The website can also be displayed on a tablet or smartphone.
About the Digital audio files
Q26.I don't know which audio file to use.
A.In the "Marugoto" coursebook (for example, p.7 of the Starter (Katsudoo)), there is an explanation of the icons used in "Marugoto".
When there is an icon for "Listen and repeat", or "Listen"
, the icon for "Audio sound"
and number(s) follow.
For example, on page 22 of the Lesson 1 in the Starter (Katsudoo), on the right side of the icon, there is an Audio sound icon and numbers
Now, please go to the "Download Materials" page on this website and select "Starter (A1) (Katsudoo)" (log in required).
Next, click "Play" for Lesson1 of Topic 1 under "Digital audio files".

You will see 12 files in a row, such as "001_A1_katsudoo_title". The three-digit number on the leftmost side of these file names is the audio number.
The 002-010 in the previous examplemeans that you should use files 002 through 010 (from the second to the eleventh file).
For your reference, the third file is "002_1_1_2[1]_ohayoo", which means "Audio file number 002_Lesson1__
[1]_content hint: good morning. "
The 12th file is "233_can-do_1_(1_1_3)." This means;
"Audio file number 233_Goal(can-do)1_Lesson1__

For Intermediate 1 and 2, the file name is as follows.
The number to the left of the file name is the topic number, and the number after the underscore (“_”) is the audio file number.
For example,means that the audio files from 03 to 07 of Topic 1 should be played.
For your reference, the file name "1_14_Pt1_No2str_1_shakoteki" means
"Topic number(1)_Audio file number(14)_Part number (Part1)_+Description* ( Strategy)_No.(1)_Content hint (social)".
*Description = "Number in + Strategy (str), Grammar (gram), etc." or "Listen", "Conversation", "Read", etc. without

Q27.I cannot open the audio recordings.
A. You are required to download the MP3 audio files to your computer. Folders containing the audio files for each topic are compressed in ZIP format, so your computer’s system environment needs to support ZIP files.
If you have any problems downloading files, after checking the type of device and the version of the operating system and browser you are using, please contact us using the General Inquiry form.
If you have an online system environment, you can also stream the audio files. If the files will not play, first check whether the browser you are using is up-to-date.
Site PolicyLearn more about the Site Policy here
Q30. I teach at a for-profit Japanese language school. Is it possible to use the support materials, teacher resources and audio files available on this website in my classes?
A. All such contents can be used for classes for educational and/or training purposes, regardless of whether such classes are for profit or non-profit. The same is true for those who teach privately. However, please use the contents only within the scope permitted in Paragraphs 3 and 4 of the “Copyright” section of the Site Policy.
Q31. I am teaching Japanese outside of Japan. Does the Site Policy apply to me?
A. Yes, the Site Policy still applies to you in this case.
Q32. Can I download the audio files and put them on the school’s server to play them in class?
A. Yes, you can; however, please make sure that the audio files are not copied or downloaded from that server.
Q33. Is there anything I should keep in mind when using the downloaded audio files in class?
A. Please use the downloaded audio files as they are, without editing or modifying the same in any way. Please do not distribute the downloaded audio files to anyone, including your students.
Q34. Can I copy the audio files for self-study or edit them such as by cutting out part of the files?
A. You may make copies of the audio files for your own study; however, please do not distribute these copies to others for free or for a fee or make them available to the public on websites, etc. Please also refrain from editing or modifying the audio files in any way.
Q35. If I want to edit support materials for a class or training, to what extent can I edit them?
A. In principle, you can freely edit support materials; however, please refrain from editing the same in such a way that they will become completely different from the original.
Q36. Are there any points I should note when distributing the edited support materials to students?
A. Please make sure to distribute the materials free of charge to your students and remind them not to distribute the electronic files they receive to others or make them publicly available on websites, etc.
Q37. Can I copy or edit the “Marugoto” coursebooks and support materials, such as by cutting out part of them, for self-study?
A. You can copy and edit the “Marugoto” coursebooks and support materials as long as you use them for self-study purposes; however, please do not distribute the copied or edited materials to others, regardless of whether paid or unpaid. Please also refrain from making them available to the public on websites, etc.
Q38. Regarding the Copyright section of the Site Policy, are there any materials that are easy to understand?
A. Please see attached.