Marugoto series *E-editions are available.

Marugoto levels (A1-B1) are shown using JF Standard levels. See Concept and special features of Marugoto for more information.

Starter (A1)

Starter (A1) Katsudoo
Coursebook for communicative language activities
Price (excluding tax):¥1,900
ISBN 978-4-384-05752-2 C0081
Table of Contents(136KB)
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Starter (A1) Rikai
Coursebook for communicative language competences
Price (excluding tax):¥2,200
ISBN 978-4-384-05753-9 C0081
Table of Contents(188KB)
Look inside(850KB)
  • You can have fun learning Japanese while looking at photographs and illustrations, and experiencing Japanese lifestyle and culture.
  • You will become able to take part in simple exchanges in different situations through listening to a variety of recorded conversations and doing speaking activities.
  • E-editions are available.
    The e-book editions are available in English, Traditional Chinese, French, Nepali, and Brazilian Portuguese.

*Starter (A1) consists of two books: Katsudoo(Coursebook for communicative language activities) and Rikai (Coursebook for communicative language competences). In Katsudoo the aim is to develop practical communicative ability through listening to a variety of Japanese and through speaking practice. In Rikai you are able to systematically study the language systems needed for communication. Both Katsudoo and Rikai can be main teaching materials, and the topics are the same. By studying using both, you can acquire an overall ability in Japanese.

Elementary 1 (A2)

Elementary 1 (A2) Katsudoo
Coursebook for communicative language activities
Price (excluding tax):¥ 2,300
ISBN 978-4-384-05754-6 C0081
Table of Contents(154KB)
Look inside(2.01MB)
Elementary 1 (A2) Rikai
Coursebook for communicative language competences
Price (excluding tax):¥2,400
ISBN 978-4-384-05755-3 C0081
Table of Contents(255KB)
Look inside(1.06MB)
  • The aim is to learn everyday communication, and become able to talk about simple things in Japanese, such as your family, job, and your town.
  • E-editions are available.

Elementary 2 (A2)

Elementary 2 (A2) Katsudoo
Coursebook for communicative language activities
Price (excluding tax):¥2,300
ISBN 978-4-384-05756-0 C0081
Table of Contents(179KB)
Look inside(611KB)
Elementary 2 (A2) Rikai
Coursebook for communicative language competences
Price (excluding tax):¥2,400
ISBN 978-4-384-05757-7 C0081
Table of Contents(277KB)
Look inside(722MB)
  • Little by little you will become able to increase the things you can do using basic expressions, such as arranging a trip and describing a tourist destination.
  • E-editions are available.

*In the same way as Starter (A1) , Elementary 1 and 2 (A2) both consist of two books: Katsudoo and Rikai.

Pre-Intermediate (A2/B1)

Price (excluding tax):¥2,800
ISBN 978-4-384-05758-4 C0081
Table of Contents(209KB)
Look inside(936KB)
  • There are more topics that relate to personal matters, such as problems at work and views on marriage.
  • The aim is to finish A2 and start B1 by becoming able to talk for longer and do activities such as reading e-mails and blogs.

Intermediate 1 (B1)

Price (excluding tax):¥3,600
ISBN 978-4-384-05759-1 C0081
Table of Contents(315KB)
Look inside(2.61MB)
  • The aim is to become able to talk in some detail, and have conversations with Japanese people about topics that you are interested in, such as manga you like and your experiences of taking part in festivals.
  • Another aim is to become able to find information you need on the Internet, and post your experiences on SNS.

Intermediate 2 (B1)

Price (excluding tax):¥3,900
ISBN 978-4-384-05760-7 C0081
Table of Contents(345KB)
Look inside(2.83MB)
  • The aim is to become able to take part in more complex communication, such as giving information about recent news, giving health advice, and talking about your country’s traditional arts and history.
  • Another aim is to become able to read and understand a variety of texts, such as internet bulletin boards and magazine columns.